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Taste Tests and Name Brand Comparisons

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FEATURE Brand OTDirect's FEATURE Brands offer you

This page is a compilation of the opinions of OTDirect customers
about OTDirect's Value-Priced Feature brands

BRONCO King Size and 100's - $12.95

Broncos' King size and 100's are catching on fast. One member reports that after sampling one of the Full Flavor Menthol Variety cartons, the Broncos were their brand of choice. Made in Columbia, they are available in Full Flavor, Light, and Menthol. Some who prefer a strong menthol taste say the menthols are too light. Other menthol smokers like them just fine. Full Flavor and Lights are reported to have a slight herbal twang and to be very enjoyable.

CHEROKEES King Size and 100's - $14.95

From one happy Cherokees smoker: "They have a unique taste which is a deep rich flavor and very satisfying. You will find a hint of pipe tobacco flavor or so it seems. For me after smoking a few I really liked them. All in all the Cherokee is a fine smoke both in regular and menthol."
Another smoker reported: "I smoked them before and liked them. I ordered some full flavors and some lights. Now, I know what a Marlboro tastes like, ok? Pretty close I would say! Very smooth, and do not burn your throat. I am impressed!"

CHECKER King Size and 100's - $14.95

Available in King size soft pack or box and 100's box. The best of the non-additive-free Native American brands. Checker NON-FILTER King is most similar to Camel non-filter.

COWBOYS King Size and 100's - $13.95

Smooth full flavor compares well to Marlboro & Cherokee. Same manufacturer as the Cherokee Brand. This Premium tobacco blend offers a smooth satisfying smoke

EXACT King Size and 100's - $14.80

Native American made, but NOT additive-free. full bodied flavor. compares to Winston Select

GT ONE King Size and 100's - $10.95

GT-One includes a Non-filter choice! The GT One, which is made in Greece, tends to be a milder cigarette and is preferred by some smokers for that reason. One member, comparing the GT-One with NY Seneca's said, "I have only smoked a pack or two of the GT ONE and found it a bit too light for my taste."

LEWISTON King Size and 100's - $14.80

Soft pack and box, Native-made but NOT additive-free. Generally thought to be a good tasting smoke. It has been said that Lewiston Ultra Lights are similar to Kent Lights

MARKET KINGS & 100's -$14.80

Soft pack and box, made by Smokin' Joe but NOT additive-free. Has had great reviews

NATIVE - $9.95

Native-made & Additive-free. Natives said to be best in Menthols and Full Flavor. NATIVE MENTHOL gives you a blast of Menthol similar to Kool or other full-flavors like Marlboro.

NIAGARA - $12.45 Kings

Native-made & additive-free.
Full Flavor is a smooth, strong flavor. Marlboro Red smokers like these.
Lights - taste like Marlboro Light Kings or Winston Light 100's. One smoker said, "the Niagara Lights taste exactly like a Marlboro Light King." And yet another, that the Full-Flavor Niagara has a "premium taste." Niagara's get good general reviews from most smokers

OPAL 120's - $14.95

Recently introduced to the Feature Brand category OPAL has already gotten good marks. Opal is being produced for the 120"s smoker and is very comparable to the Virginia Slims 120, Wave, Eve and Misty. 120's lovers should give them a try especially at these savings. Opal is available in full flavor, light, Ultra light, menthol & Menthol light. Go ahead and order a sample pack!

ROGER KING - $13.95

Rogers have been compared favorably to Marlboros. Many have said that there's no better tasting cigarette on the market than the Rogers. One smoker says all the flavors taste good. High quality packaging - offer flip top Hard Packs
Most similar to Benson & Hedges & Marlboro.
Menthol Lights - similar to Salem.
Menthol Full Flavor similar to Kools.
Ultra light smokers find these mild with no difficulty drawing. Similar to Marlboro Lights

ROGER 100's - $13.95

Similar to Marlboro in BOTH the Full Flavor & Lights.
ROGER MENTHOL - better than Newport or GPC and Smoother!
Here is what one OT Customer posted to OTDirect's Delphi Forum:
"After smoking Benson & Hedges Menthol Light or Marlboro Menthol Light for nearly 20 years, I was really excited to find the Roger brand offered in OTDirect's Feature Brands. Roger is almost identical to Marlboro... very high quality!! Plus they are available in the crush proof box! At 12.95 per carton I'm saving over $20 per carton! WoW!!"
- Johnny J., New Orleans, Louisiana

SENECA (NY) Cigarettes - $10.95

Also known as NY Seneca's, they are very popular for their low price and high quality, and because they are Additive-Free, this cigarette is Native American-made in Canada.
One OT customer said they have "a robust, but smooth taste. I smoke them now and the last major brand I smoked was Winston Lights. The full flavor NY Seneca's are smoother than the Winston and very satisfying."
Another smoker comments: "I have smoked the NY Seneca's on a regular basis and can say this: They compare very favorably to Marlboro & Winston. You'll find the Seneca (and all the All Natural / Additive Free Blends) have a more full bodied tobacco flavor. They have done an excellent job of blending premium tobaccos to match the flavor of the more expensive Premium Brands without using chemicals and flavoring additives to mask the tobacco or manipulate the taste. I've had a number of folks tell me they actually had withdrawal symptoms switching from smokes with chemicals and additives to the additive free blends."
Most commentaries indicate that the Seneca's tend to the "light side." Menthol Light is pretty close to a Menthol Ultra light in Premium Brands.

Sky Dancer Cigarettes - $14.95

Made in Oklahoma,Additive-free.
Similar to Camel Lights - to Winston Light 100's
Similar to Salem Light,
Menthol King - similar to Kool Natural King,
Marlboro Reds

SMOKIN' JOE Kings and 100's and
SMOKIN' JOE 100% Natural Kings and 100's - $14.80

Smokin' Joe includes a NON-filter variety. Only one report, mine: I found Smokin' Joe Kings to be a good tasting, smooth, and perfectly acceptable cigarette. No other comparison at this time as this is one of our newest brands.


Try out a variety of Feature Brands, either by brand name OR by variety. Do your own taste tests and pick what YOU like best. Click the "FEATURE" tab on the site to find OT's Variety Cartons.

NY SENECA KING BX (2FF, 2LT, 2UL, 2MT, 2ML) - $10.95

NIAGARA KING SP (3 FF, 3LT,2MT,2ML) - $12.45

NATIVE KING SP (2FF, 2LT, 2UL, 2MT, 2ML) -$9.95

ROGER KING BX (3FF, 4LT, 3MT) - $13.95

ROGER 100 BX (2FF, 2LT, 2UL, 2MT, 2ML) - $13.95

Sky Dancer KING SP (2FF, 2LT, 2UL, 2MT, 2ML) - $14.95



This is the best way to sample the Feature Brands. Do your own taste tests and pick what YOU like best. Choose you favorite flavor (Full, Light, Menthol, etc.) in the Variety Carton and you'll receive a sampling of 2 pks each of 5 different Feature Brands. Click the "FEATURE" tab on the site to find OT's Variety Cartons or call you order into the Customer Care Center. To Order Toll free or to contact customer care Click Here For Contact Page.

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